Triodetic 2023 logo in white, representing the brand's identity and commitment to engineering excellence and innovative structural solutions


Triodetic industrial domes, showcasing engineering excellence and geodesic domes for robust industrial solutions


Recognized as a leader in manufacturing engineered structures for over 60 years, Triodetic has provided the highest quality industrial applications. Our engineered industrial domes are a staple in the sustainable mining movement creating stockpile covers and storage solutions which help mitigate and reduce the impact on the environment and surrounding communities.

We Offer:

  • Assistance in conceptual project development
  • Design method validated by full-scale testing
  • Long-term integrity of thousands of structures
  • Manufacturing expertise, precision, efficiency
  • Fully proven construction techniques
Triodetic treatment tanks and stockpile domes, highlighting structural solutions and geodesic domes for industrial applications


There are many reasons to choose Triodetic:

  • Easy Installation options
  • Installation supervision services
  • Lighter weight
  • Multiple material options
  • Translucent cladding options
  • Environmental impact reduction
  • Engineering support from feasibility to final look and beyond
  • Unwavering commitment to customer needs
Triodetic pre-assembly options, emphasizing custom engineered structures and prefabricated structures for efficient construction solutions


Triodetic domes have provided industrial infrastructure solutions for many years, boasting huge spans up to 140m.

We also offer barrel vaults, and other building designs to accommodate service shops, warehousing, and other applications.

Whether you’re starting fresh or making changes to existing structures our engineers are retrofit professionals supporting your upgrades from start to finish.

Triodetic other applications, showcasing versatile structural solutions and innovative architectural structures for diverse needs

Industrial Projects

Veladero Gold Mine

San Juan, Argentina

Triodetic industrial dome at Veladero Gold Mine, highlighting structural solutions and custom-engineered structures for mining domes

Goldex Mine

Val d’Or, QC

Triodetic industrial dome at Goldex Mine, showcasing structural engineering and dome construction for mining structures

Al Zour Refinery

Al-Zour, Kuwait

Triodetic industrial dome at Al Zour Sulfur Refinery, exemplifying structural engineering and custom engineered structures for industrial domes